Ridiculous things in feminism over the last few weeks.

Ridiculous things in feminism over the last few weeks.

So, with my CPU acting up over the past few weeks and not being able to produce media content, I wanted to at least update my fan base by any means necessary as to the happenings in the gender political arena.  Primarily, I am somewhat annoyed and simultaneously amused at the ridiculous things the feminist agenda is whining about this time.


First let’s say thank you to the awesome men at the Westerly Yacht Club of Rhode Island a couple of weeks back for saying no to allowing women full memberships.  wycMen still have one more space where they can just be men without women elbowing in.  Congratulations men, and good job.   It is a small victory for the Meninist and MGTOW movements but it is still a victory.


The ladies failed to get the two thirds majority vote needed by the clubs bylaws to allow them in.  The most humorous aspect of this was that some ladies wanted it to fail because they were convinced some women would get a full membership in an attempt to steal away their boyfriends and husbands….  Hypergamy anyone?

women dont trust women WYC

One of the feminist rebuttals was that not even Taylor Swift who would be eligible to be a member based on zip code could join because of the refusal to let women in.  I can only wonder who cares.  Isn’t Taylor Swift the would be country version of Nickelback?  1112-taylor-swift-getty-10I’ll save you some time and sum up all of her music in one statement.  “He left me.” There, I have saved your ears much trepidation in attempting to listen to Taylor Swift.  You’re welcome.


In the next order of business some members of Hollywood seem surprised that Feminism: the movie, I mean the new Ghostbusters reboot failed.  Really?  That movie was getting negative commentary since it began and people saw what you were doing with it.  Yet, you are surprised.  Wow, thick-headed much?  On top of that, you released it at the same time a much better movie like Star Trek is your competitor.  That was like stacking a pile of trash next to a stack of gold bricks and asking people to choose.  No brainer. GB tanks


Finally I come to this…. Frankly, I cannot believe this was passed into law in some areas or even became a thing.  The subway man spread.  This is what happens when feminist are running out of things to bitch about.  Never mind that ladies take up multiple seats with their bags and what other bullshit they have, we must find fault with the men somehow.


I can only imagine some feminist wake up out of bed and their first thought is how they can annoy men today.  Till next time gents, this has been the Mentalist.


Email me at Mentalistmgtow@gmail.com

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Can a MGTOW man be married?

Can a MGTOW man be married?

There has been a standing agreement among MGTOW men that there are different “levels” of MGTOW and that men tend to fluctuate around these levels.  Generally it’s accepted that there are four levels.


  1. Rejects marriage and common-law
  2. Rejects long-term relationships. Has short-term relationships for self-serving purposes.
  3. Rejects all forms of personal relationships with women. May have a few platonic female friends and/or relatives they still associate with.
  4. Partial Societal rejection. Withdraws from society as much as is within his power.


I would like to offer up that there is yet another type of MGTOW.  I am not sure where in the level spectrum you could place them because of their circumstance.  But this would be a man who became aware of the red pill and has taken it after they have married.  You see I believe these men can hold the MGTOW mindset even though they are already in a situation where they have signed the marriage contract.  Part of being MGTOW is becoming self-aware.

Some would argue that a man in a marriage contract could not go their own way, that it is impossible.  I argue that an industrious man, one that embodies his own will and makes the best out of his situation no matter what that situation may be.  I will not be the man who discredits my brother because he unknowingly fell into a trap.  Why would I deny him the right to be sovereign to himself when only a man can choose for himself?  No, I say we help these men as we can.

So yes, I believe a married man can become MGTOW after he has put himself in this situation and that these are the MGTOW brothers in the most danger.  Self-preservation is hardest when you are already in the belly of the beast.

Feel free to contact me with your thoughts.

The Mind of a MGTOW Man

The Mind of a MGTOW Man

          Many people wonder what it takes for a man to get to the point where he takes the red pill. Some think it is “cowardly” many condemn men who have made this life altering decision.  I can tell you from experience that taking the red pill is bitter.  Not because the decision to take it made me angry.  Unlike many men it did not make me angry, it made me sad that the culture we live in had come to have this as a necessity for self-preservation.

          I did not experience the “red pill rage” that most men do.  This might have been because I tend to be more adaptable to my circumstances than most people and always make things work for me wherever I can.  There is one thing I know for sure in taking this pill however.  Nothing about it was cowardice.  I accepted the truth of the world we live in and in my book that takes bravery.

          Let me help you better understand the path of the MGTOW man.  We have seen that dating culture as it stands is rife with “gynocentrism” For those unfamiliar with the term it’s just a way of saying that it is showing preferential treatment to women.  If you disagree with me I have some questions for you and I want you to examine them in the commonly accepted dating application.  Who is expected to pay for the dates? Who is expected to text or call first?  Which gender is expected to make the first move?  Which gender takes the majority brunt of rejection?  In reality, which gender is expected to take 100% of the risk and is at the mercy of the other.  Men, that’s who.

          Men who have gone MGTOW are tired and frankly, done with this double standard especially in a society where women have deemed 80% of the male population unsuitable for dating much less anything further.  Those are standards we cannot live up to and we refuse to try.  The definition of insanity is to try something over and over again with the same result but you keep trying the same thing anyway.  MGTOW men have decided their sanity is important.

          On a more in-depth look you will find the society we live in to favor women in the courtroom.  Men who have made that 20% cut are rewarded with a high chance of divorce 80% of which is initiated by the woman in the relationship where he then is drained dry through alimony, child support and in many instances lawsuits on top of these.  This is why men are taking the red pill by the droves.  Remember me mentioning self-preservation?  The gamble at finding the unicorn isn’t worth it.

Men are also very sick of being portrayed as incompetent, stupid, weak and self-centered by mainstream media.  That being said I understand that feminism played a good role in stopping this view being associated to women.  I also acknowledge that this was a wrong that women had to endure for a long time.   I do not agree however, that it is justified to swing that view onto men in some form of vengeance.  My grandfather had an old saying… “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”  That is exactly what is happening here.

Speaking of feminism, let’s take a look into what MGTOW men see in modern-day feminism.  We see that feminist say we are genetically inferior to women. We see them say they are smarter than we are.   We see them make hate marches against us.  Oh yes, I did call them what they are.  We see them push nothing but pro-female agendas under the banner of “gender equality.”  I could go on but I think it is safe to say that the label of feminist has become toxic to it’s core.  If you want change as much as we do, it will have to start with the people that want real equality between us to demolish the term “feminism”  because, let’s face it, the name itself promotes the opposite of equality.

I hope this very basic view of a MGTOW man has helped some people better understand us.

Please feel free to send me your feedback.